All of this website is designed only with One plugin (3D Website Builder)
Text Shadow
3D Website Builder
Every week with new modules

3d Website Builder

More than a Pagebuilder/Slider

Years ago we came to the conclusion that page builders And sliders no longer meet the needs of the web world. So, we started coding a plugin called 3D Website Builder that, in addition to the ideas Well used in page builders and sliders uses new ideas. In fact, this plugin is neither a page builder nor a slider. Rather, it is a new generation of plug-ins that only works with JavaScript. It has a new responsive system and indirectly controls CPU and GPU consumption on page objects with scrolling and time consumption. No need for Bootstrap and JQuery. It is very light and fast. has good ideas such as event-act system, effect design system, Color tables and dynamic CSS and... that some ideas are active in this version and others in the pro version. There are 15 modules in this version. Pro version It currently has 54 modules. We try to add new modules every week. You can add them to the plugin by clicking a button (pro version). We hope to add at least 1 of each type of module before the end of the year. Even large modules that need to create a dedicated table, such as reservations, appointment, menu, form and... You can download the pro version from our website without payment and use some of its features without any payment. Soon, by adding new features to the plugin, we will add more features (without any payment) in two versions We believe that the best designs are only possible with the new method used in this plugin

3dwebsitebuilder:The new generation of WordPress plugins